Saturday, 2 May 2015

Taking time...

to smell the flowers

The apple trees that  border one side of the green have been especially beautiful this year

And as is so often my way, I leave the well-trodden path and venture through nettles and long grass so that I can meander among them

Apple blossom make me think of weddings.
I'm not sure why, my own wedding took place on a cold day in March and there were few flowers blooming and, it being Lent, none permitted in the church.
But if I ever marry again I would like to do so when the apple trees are heavy with blossom.

And wear a delicate pink-tinged white dress.
And carry a bouquet of apple blossoms.

You see, I have it all planned.
Just in case ....

Meanwhile I wander among the apple trees, happily taking pictures, pausing to admire the branches bearing beautiful blooms and taking time to smell the flowers

Nature is such a wonderful healer
N'est-ce pas?


  1. A beautiful sight...I can just imagine the smells...

  2. read the start of your deleted positive. you will have to stay where you are for your treatment..and this will take time.This is why we have not moved.
    Reduce your aims. French house good, grandchildren good. Exercise also needed as your treatment will diminish muscle bulk and increase the stress hormone cortisol= a "spare tyre"...its a matter of keeping ticking over andvmaintaining. There IS light at the end of the tunnel.
    The angry woman? Fear due to lack of knowledge or understanding, stress, pressure from work to not be away too have to learn to be a patient patient. I feel sad for her as anger is self destructive.


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